Beachview Bed & Breakfast
Beachview Inn & Spa
Java & Juice – The Sauna
Welcome to Beachview and my new blog! I’m Karen and you are about to be introduced to my family! A vast array of characters that make me smile every day! We don’t run your ordinary bed and breakfast/coffee stand/hot rock situation! Not only do we offer a variety of packages to ensure a good time from couples to singles, you literally do not have to leave the property for anything. It’s an all-inclusive baby!! Let me start you off with the guts of it all before we head into the day-to-day good times that is living on Tybee and owning a place where people spend the night and hang out with you.
To get the boring but necessary bits out of the way, we are above and beyond Covid clean! We have bleached, scrubbed, cleaned with some clean on top of some more clean every square inch of this entire property. From the flower pots to the baseboards, you are not catching anything but a buzz and a good time here!
We offer a fantastic property dwelling experience! Located literally one block from the beach, our rooms offer every amenity. From the bed linens, which are superb, to the hand-made soaps in each en suite bathroom, to the antique handpicked quality furnishings in each and every room to the overall feel of just luxurious abandon. If you can bring yourself to crawl out of your billion count linens, you simply need to slope down the steps to Java & Juice. Is it cocktail time or is it coffee time? You know what we say, “Coffee until Cocktails” and that is true and true! Not in the mood for breakfast? Grab a beach chair and head to the beach. Take a book with you. Not your thing either, go directly to the Salt Room and just chill. Want more action? Head downtown, all of 30 seconds away, and get your fill of fun characters and island vibes! Don’t want to talk to anyone? Grab a cruiser and hit the streets! The awesome thing about our location is we are seconds from everything, but quietly far from anything.
Yesterday …
We had a fantastic wedding party! Even in November, the weather here is just amazing and we are so blessed to be smack dab in the middle of such a wonderful area! The bride was stunning and as she walked down the path to greet her future, I couldn’t help but hug my husband by my side and treasure this moment. That was my only quite moment! Weddings are a big thing around here and I want everything to be absolute perfection! From the food to the weather to the flowers!
I don’t know how I live without my daughter, Wendy, who is really the backbone of the operation. That and she has my grandchildren so, you know what grandkids do to grandparents? Wrap them around every little tiny digit they have! So, Wendy is running around behind the wedding scene and I have Kathy and Kevin in the kitchen. They are my saviors too! Running Java & Juice like a well-oiled machine, with delicious breakfasts that are perfect and everything is running smoothly…. until Frank. My husband! I love that man, but I tell you now, he never puts enough gravy on the biscuits!!!