Beachview Bed & Breakfast – Plus, a whole lot more
I got lucky enough to be able to move into Beachview Bed & Breakfast earlier this year. What an absolute treat! Located one block from the ocean, this sprawling, beautiful property is perfect for me and my parents! Did I mention yet that I am a dog? My name is Zoe and I am living the dream!
Like I said, I moved in earlier this year and it has been strange times. People wearing masks and behaving weirdly. At this new yellow building, mom and dad cleaned everything from top to bottom and that was a job! They have _____ rooms here, plus the main building kitchen plus the coffee shop plus the new sauna!! I went everywhere with them and watched. When I got bored, I jumped into the pool when no one was looking!
Now everyone is very clean and they stay away from each other. Well, kind of. They stand apart and talk loud. I don’t mind so much as long as I get treat treats! Well, that and long walks. Those are my favorites!
I love hanging out at the coffee shop. Mom calls it Java & Juice. I call it Yum Town because Kathy and Kevin feed me little bits of quiche and sausage gravy-covered biscuits when no one is looking. I’m interested in the pretty bottles behind the bar, but no one will let me get into those … yet.
Yesterday, after breakfast, we took the bikes out and rode around Tybee Town. I love love this place!! It’s all very fun, beachy and postcardy! Mom and Dad stopped at a place where I got to sit and watch the people walk by. Talk about a parade of fun characters! When we got home, mom wanted to sit in the sauna. I don’t really care for that, but I hear our visitors love it.
Now, we do get visitors. Every day it seems like someone different is coming and going. Sometimes I see and sniff the same person for a couple of days. Everyone is very nice and tell me how pretty I am and what a good girl I am. I am a good girl too!
November, 2020:
So yesterday, a couple came and had some kind of party. The girl was wearing white and there were flowers everywhere! It was so pretty and the people were all smiling and taking pictures with their hand boxes. The weather was perfect and I saw smiles everywhere I went! Mom and Wendy were very busy running around checking on things and making sure everything went perfect!!! I barked laughed at them because they were running faster than me! I like Wendy very much. She is Mom’s right hand daughter and is fun to hang out with. She also gives me treat treats when no one is looking. I should be fatter, but with all my walking and running around I keep pretty fit!
I overheard mom talking to dad about another small party tomorrow! I’m super excited because everyone loves to see and talk to me! It’s also still very warm here and when no one is looking, I’m gonna jump in the pool! I will let you know if I get caught …